DeathLent On Dying That suffering death may be good news is very hard to hear. Every instinct cries…Catherine Sider HamiltonMarch 17, 2016
LentParables of Jesus What Is A Christian? "So he divided his property between them. A few days later the younger son gathered…Jeff BoldtMarch 8, 2016
LentUncategorized Lent IV Gospel Meditation: The Prodigal Son We are this Lent the wayward child, and we can only say, “Father, I have…Catherine Sider HamiltonMarch 5, 2016
LentUncategorized Come To The Waters, Everyone Who Thirsts! Jesus is the one who loves us past our barrenness, past our stubbornness, past our…Catherine Sider HamiltonMarch 4, 2016
LentUncategorized To Dwell In The House Of The Lord But Jesus does die. He longs to gather up the children of Jerusalem like the…Sarah JacksonMarch 1, 2016
Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday and the Day of the Lord If we are the ones moving into the future, then we are the ones in…Jeff BoldtFebruary 19, 2016
Transfiguration Jesus: Servant and Lord This is our hope. For we who were so far from the glory of God,…Catherine Sider HamiltonFebruary 11, 2016
Uncategorized Speaking The Truth In Love We constantly find ourselves swinging between these two options. Do we speak the truth, and…John SundaraFebruary 5, 2016
Uncategorized Who Is Jesus? Who is Jesus? Is he, as some have claimed, a holy and nice man, but…John SundaraFebruary 5, 2016
Uncategorized Today, the Reign of God This is the gospel, the good news that the Christ proclaims: Today I come. Today…Catherine Sider HamiltonFebruary 4, 2016