At St. Matthew’s we’re constantly looking at new ways to serve the community of Riverdale. Here are a few of the outreach initiatives we’ve been involved with.

Emily’s House
Emily’s House is a ten bed children’s hospice in Riverdale that is committed to optimizing the quality of the lives of children and their families battling a life-limiting illness, through the provision of integrated respite and pediatric palliative care, in a home like setting. A number of our parishioners are currently volunteers at Emily’s House and the Philip Aziz Centre.
Get InvolvedRiverdale Roundup Neighbourhood BBQ
Every September St. Matthew’s and the Matthew John Daycare co-host a free BBQ for our neighbours. Many neighbourhood businesses generously donate to help cover costs. More than just a BBQ, Riverdale Roundup closes down the street in front of the church and includes live music, face-painting, games, a bouncy castle, and much more. This wonderful tradition is becoming more and more a part of the fabric of our neighbourhood.
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St. John the Compassionate
St. John the Compassionate is an Orthodox mission in Riverdale that has been serving those in need since 1986. They have various programs throughout the week including after-school programs for school children and drop-in meals for those who are hungry.
Get InvolvedCoffee House
Every May the St. Matthew’s youth jam host a coffee house arts night, where performers of all ages from the church and neighbourhood can share their artistic talent. Enjoy live music, hot drinks and delicious home baked treats! Admission is by donation to our Refugee Fund.
Get InvolvedLearn & Explore
Our life together at St. Matthew’s is not limited to Sunday mornings. There are a growing number of opportunities to learn and explore the Christian faith and to connect with one another outside of our main Sunday service.

Bible Study
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path,” (Psalm 119:105).
Please contact us for more information.

Knit Night
Neighbours, friends, and the curious of all ages, genders, and fiberability are invited to join us at the rectory (93 First Ave.) right next door to the church. Come! Meet neighbours, enjoy tea and snacks, learn or refresh a versatile skill so you can create while you meditate! Monday evenings from 7:00pm-9:00pm.
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Theological Courses
At St. Matthew’s we are pleased to be able to offer fantastic theological training and education designed to give us greater insight into our faith and bring us closer to Jesus. Join us for seminars and short courses from the likes of Ephraim Radner, David Demson and many more.
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