*Masks. Please wear your mask. If you do not have a mask, we will provide you with one. Masks are required throughout the service.

*Hand sanitizer. Hand sanitizer (with the approved alcohol content) will be provided for your use, as always. Note that if you need to use the washrooms, hand sanitizer is provided for your use as you exit and return to the church; please also (of course!) wash hands well.

*Physical distancing. We will observe physical distancing, as in all public spaces. You will see that the pews are marked off so you know where to sit. Please keep a 6 ft. distance between yourself and others at all times, unless of course you are from the same family or home.

*Contact log. Audrey or Peter will record your name at the door each Sunday so that we can contact you if there is need.

*Children stay in church. Please keep your children in the pew with you. You can also use the outdoor playground (please supervise your child). Bring books and toys and snacks for them; don’t worry if they make some noise. It is a joyful noise, to hear children in church!

*Please no singing. The diocese has asked us not to sing as a congregation for the time being. We will have a solo singer and will provide words so that you can sing in your hearts (silently). If you play an instrument (string, keyboard, percussion), a warm invitation to come and help us make a joyful noise unto the Lord in a new way.

*Communion is in one kind only (bread); please wait for the usher to direct you forward and follow the arrows and physical distancing markers on the floor. 

*After the service:  please exit by the side aisles and remember physical distancing as you go. If you would like to stay and chat outside afterwards, you are welcome to do so (again, safely distanced). We can’t offer refreshments — but perhaps just seeing each other will be refreshment enough!

We have a great team who have been working together to make our worship both safe and beautiful this fall. Many thanks especially to Audrey, Peter, and Bill, to Mary, and to Dave King.

Mtr Catherine will review procedures at the beginning of the service and throughout, as needed. If you have questions in the meantime please feel free to be in touch.

Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them. Thanks be to God! See you Sunday!

Catherine Sider Hamilton

Catherine Sider Hamilton

Catherine Sider Hamilton is Priest-in-Charge of St. Matthew's Riverdale, and Professor of New Testament and New Testament Greek (part-time) at Wycliffe College. She has served also as Chaplain at Havergal College and Associate Priest at Grace Church on-the-Hill and St. John the Baptist, Norway (Toronto). She enjoys singing around the piano with her kids, her husband's Indian food, all things Italian -- and above all her two little grandchildren. Catherine and David live in Greektown. She blogs occasionally on feasts and fasts at feastfastferia.wordpress.com.