Feast of the Annunciation Meditation in a Time of Social Isolation Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary “May it be…Catherine Sider HamiltonMarch 25, 2020
Lent March 29th Online Service – Lent 5 Processional Hymn: Blue Hymnal #306 O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing Celebrant: The grace…Catherine Sider HamiltonMarch 24, 2020
Lent Lenten Mid-Week Meditation for a time of social isolation The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the…Catherine Sider HamiltonMarch 18, 2020
Lent March 22nd Bulletin – Lent 4 Processional Hymn: Blue Hymnal #393 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise The Greeting Celebrant: The grace…Catherine Sider HamiltonMarch 18, 2020
Uncategorized He Knows Who I Am A sermon by Ephraim Radner, St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, Riverdale, Toronto Gospel reading for Sunday,…Ephraim RadnerMarch 14, 2020
Easter Easter Sunday Mary weeps at the empty tomb because she loves the Lord. She loves Jesus, and…Catherine Sider HamiltonApril 27, 2019
Good Friday Good Friday His blood, living water, a fountain of living water springing up on this day from…Catherine Sider HamiltonApril 23, 2019
Uncategorized Normal Time Normalcy means we are all basically in the same boat, and that boat is not…Ephraim RadnerNovember 20, 2018
Ascension Ascension Day In Jesus Christ God is for us and he is with us; our Accuser and…Catherine Sider HamiltonMay 18, 2018
Easter Easter Sunday This is the Easter promise. There is nothing we can do that can defeat the…Catherine Sider HamiltonApril 4, 2018